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Yay Bikes! 2024-2026 Vision and Strategies
The Yay Bikes! Board has been hard at work in 2024 to craft a vision and set of strategies that will guide our organizational efforts over the next 1-3 years. We’re at a crucial moment in time in Central Ohio, with multiple jurisdictions developing bike/pedestrian plans in development (e.g. City of Columbus - Bike Plus Plan) and the possibility of massive bike/ped/transit infrastructure improvements on major corridors through the LinkUs plan. We will be identifying opportunities to involve all of you in the work of implementing the vision and strategies below - please be on the lookout!
Yay Bikes! 2024-2026 Vision for the Organization’s Work
Yay Bikes! is a leader in bike advocacy, education, and events in Central Ohio and effectively
Advocates for mobility justice
Advances the implementation of safe, comfortable, accessible, and equitable bike infrastructure, programs, and policies
Activates a robust partnership network
Accelerates equitable and inclusive opportunities for community outreach and participation
Yay Bikes! Strategies to Implement 2024-2026 Vision
Create/Lead bike rides and bike events throughout Central Ohio
Create/Lead equitable educational opportunities for bikers of all types, ages, and skills
Create/Implement a short/long range advocacy plan to build and strengthen safe biking networks, infrastructure, programs, policies, and partnerships
Create/Implement a communications plan to reach new audiences and improve overall communications and outreach
Create/Implement a development strategy to enable Yay Bikes! to fund the staffing and capacity required for effective organizational operations
Grow/Engage/Empower YB board, committees, volunteers, and membership to (1) understand and develop solidarity with disempowered communities and marginalized lived experiences and (2) fully engage in effective advocacy
Latest Event Photos
Ride of Silence 2024
Bike the Cbus 2024
Joy Ride 2024